Wednesday, March 14, 2018

New Gym In Town (Short Cap)

A Few Months ago a new Gym opened up in town, Jay was never one for working out but they had a good deal so he signed up. It was a great place, no one really judged, the juice bar was cheap and they even had personal trainers and work out programs that would recommend diets and plans for you. His trainer Mike was so nice, teaching him about good supplements and drinks that could supercharge his workouts.

"Jay are you sure that gym is a good idea?" his friend Ryan asked.

"I've never felt better since I started going to that gym, I'm telling you you need to come with me some time." Jay took a drink from a power shake "Now, ready to go for a run?"

What Jay, and a majority of the new gyms clientele, hadn't realized is that the cocktails of nutrients, supplements and power drinks were getting them in better shape but not in the way they thought, they were softening, growing more feminine and barely noticing it. They would get more sexual and flirty, seeming to not even be fully aware they'd turned into women, even when having sex.

"Alright." Jay bent down to tie his sneakers, his ass pushed back for Ryan to see "Hope you can keep up." 

The TG Gym was fully in the town, and the craze was spreading across the country.